Nama : Prinka Ardiyya Kuswandi Kelas : 1EA07 NPM : 15215397 Soal Direct and Indirect Speech A. Steatment 1. “ I play game on my handphone.” a. He playing game the handphone b. He played game on the handphone c. He plays game on the his handphone Answer: C 2. “I read a novel “ a. She reading a novel b. She read a novel c. She readied a novel Answer: A 3. “I am buying radio in the market.” a. She buy radio in the market b. She was buying radio in the market c. She buy radio in the market Answer: B 4. “I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity.” a. He asked me that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity. b. He wanted to know if he began to understand the concept of biodiversity. c. He said that he began to understand the concept